UserTiming in Practice

Last updated: May 2021

Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How was it done before?
    2.1. What’s Wrong With This?
  3. Marks and Measures
    3.1. How to Use
    3.2. Example Usage
    3.3. Standard Mark Names
    3.4. UserTiming Level 3
    3.5. Arbitrary Timestamps
    3.6. Arbitrary Metadata
  4. Benefits
  5. Developer Tools
  6. Use Cases
  7. Compressing
  8. Availability
  9. Using NavigationTiming Data
  10. Conclusion
  11. Updates


UserTiming is a specification developed by the W3C Web Performance working group, with the goal of giving the developer a standardized interface to log timestamps ("marks") and durations ("measures").

UserTiming utilizes the PerformanceTimeline that we saw in ResourceTiming, but all of the UserTiming events are put there by the you the developer (or the third-party scripts you’ve included in the page).

UserTiming Level 1 and Level 2 are both a Recommendation, which means that browser vendors are encouraged to implement it. Level 3 adds additional features and is in development.

As of May 2021, 96.6% of the world-wide browser market-share support UserTiming.

How was it done before?

Prior to UserTiming, developers have been keeping track of performance metrics, such as logging timestamps and event durations by using simple JavaScript:

var start = new Date().getTime();
// do stuff
var now = new Date().getTime();
var duration = now - start;

What’s wrong with this?

Well, nothing really, but… we can do better.

First, as discussed previously, Date().getTime() is not reliable and DOMHighResTimestamps should be used instead (e.g.

Second, by logging your performance metrics into the standard interface of UserTiming, browser developer tools and third-party analytics services will be able to read and understand your performance metrics.

Marks and Measures

Developers generally use two core ideas to profile their code. First, they keep track of timestamps for when events happen. They may log these timestamps (e.g. via Date().getTime()) into JavaScript variables to be used later.

Second, developers often keep track of durations of events. This is often done by taking the difference of two timestamps.

Timestamps and durations correspond to "marks" and "measures" in UserTiming terms. A mark is a timestamp, in DOMHighResTimeStamp format. A measure is a duration, the difference between two marks, also measured in milliseconds.

How to use

Creating a mark or measure is done via the window.performance interface:

partial interface Performance {
    void mark(DOMString markName);

    void clearMarks(optional  DOMString markName);

    void measure(DOMString measureName, optional DOMString startMark,
        optional DOMString endMark);

    void clearMeasures(optional DOMString measureName);

interface PerformanceEntry {
  readonly attribute DOMString name;
  readonly attribute DOMString entryType;
  readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp startTime;
  readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp duration;

interface PerformanceMark : PerformanceEntry { };

interface PerformanceMeasure : PerformanceEntry { };

A mark (PerformanceMark) is an example of a PerformanceEntry, with no additional attributes:

A measure (PerformanceMeasure) is also an example of a PerformanceEntry, with no additional attributes:

Example Usage

Let’s start by logging a couple marks (timestamps):

// mark
// -> {"name": "start", "entryType": "mark", "startTime": 1, "duration": 0}

// -> {"name": "end", "entryType": "mark", "startTime": 2, "duration": 0}

// -> {"name": "another", "entryType": "mark", "startTime": 3, "duration": 0}
// -> {"name": "another", "entryType": "mark", "startTime": 4, "duration": 0}
// -> {"name": "another", "entryType": "mark", "startTime": 5, "duration": 0}

Later, you may want to compare two marks (start vs. end) to create a measure (called diff), such as:

performance.measure("diff", "start", "end");
// -> {"name": "diff", "entryType": "measure", "startTime": 1, "duration": 1}

Note that measure() always calculates the difference by taking the latest timestamp that was seen for a mark. So if you did a measure against the another marks in the example above, it will take the timestamp of the third call to mark("another"):

performance.measure("diffOfAnother", "start", "another");
// -> {"name": "diffOfAnother", "entryType": "measure", "startTime": 1, "duration": 4}

There are many ways to create a measure:

Some examples of using measure():

// log the beginning of our task (assuming now is '1')
// -> {"name": "start", "entryType": "mark", "startTime": 1, "duration": 0}

// do work (assuming now is '2')
// -> {"name": "start2", "entryType": "mark", "startTime": 2, "duration": 0}

// measure from navigationStart to now (assuming now is '3')
performance.measure("time to get to this point");
// -> {"name": "time to get to this point", "entryType": "measure", "startTime": 0, "duration": 3}

// measure from "now" to the "start" mark (assuming now is '4')
performance.measure("time to do stuff", "start");
// -> {"name": "time to do stuff", "entryType": "measure", "startTime": 1, "duration": 3}

// measure from "start2" to the "start" mark
performance.measure("time from start to start2", "start", "start2");
// -> {"name": "time from start to start2", "entryType": "measure", "startTime": 1, "duration": 1}

Once a mark or measure has been created, you can query for all marks, all measures, or specific marks/measures via the PerformanceTimeline. Here’s a review of the PerformanceTimeline methods:

window.performance.getEntriesByName(name, type);

Here’s an example of using the PerformanceTimeline to fetch a mark:

// performance.getEntriesByType("mark");

// performance.getEntriesByName("time from start to start2", "measure");
        "name":"time from start to start2"

You also have the ability to clear (remove) marks and measures from the buffer:

// clears all marks

// clears the named marks

// clears all measures

// clears the named measures

You can also skip the buffer and listen for marks or measures via a PerformanceObserver:

if (typeof window.PerformanceObserver === "function") {
  var userTimings = [];

  var observer = new PerformanceObserver(function(entries) {
    Array.prototype.push.apply(userTimings, entries.getEntries());

  observer.observe({entryTypes: ['mark', 'measure']});

Standard Mark Names

There are a couple of mark names that were at one point suggested by the W3C specification to have special meanings:

By using these standardized names, other third-party tools could have theoretically picked up on your meanings and treated them specially (for example, by overlaying them on your waterfall).

These names were removed from the Level 2 of the spec. You can still use those names if you choose, but I’m not aware of any tools that treat them specially.

Obviously, you can use these mark names (or anything else) for anything you want, and don’t have to stick by the recommended meanings.


Level 3 of the specification is still under development, but has some additional features that may be useful:

Not all browsers support Level 3. As of May 2021, the only browser that does is Chrome.

Arbitrary Timestamps

With UserTiming Level 3, you can now specify a startTime (for marks), and a start and/or end time and/or duration for measures.

For marks, this gives you finer control over the exact timestamp, instead of taking "now" as the "start" timestamp. For example, you could save a time associated with an event (via, and you may not be sure you want to log that event as a mark until later. Later, if you create a mark for it, you can give the timestamp you had stored away:

// do something -- not sure you want to mark yet?
var weShouldMark = false;
var startTime =;

// do other things
weShouldMark = doOtherThings();

// decide you wanted to mark that start
if (weShouldMark) {
  performance.mark("work-started", {
    startTime: startTime

For measures, you can now specify an arbitrary start, end or duration:

// specifying a start and end
performance.measure("my-custom-measure", {
  start: startTime,

// specifying a duration (need to specify start or end as well)
performance.measure("my-custom-measure", {
  start: startTime,
  duration: 100 // ms

Arbitrary Metadata / detail

Both marks and measures now allow you to specify a detail option, which is an object that will be stored alongside the mark/measure for later retrieval. For example, if you have any metadata you want saved as part of the mark/measure, you can store it and get it later:

performance.mark("my-mark", {
  detail: {
    page: "this-page",
    component: "that-component"

// {
//   name: "my-mark",
//   startTime: 12345,
//   duration: 0,
//   detail: { page: "this-page", component: "that-component"}
// }


So why would you use UserTiming over just Date().getTime() or

First, it uses the PerformanceTimeline, so marks and measures are in the PerformanceTimeline along with other events

Second, it uses DOMHighResTimestamp instead of Date so the timestamps have sub-millisecond resolution, and are monotonically non-decreasing (so aren’t affected by the client’s clock).

Developer Tools

UserTiming marks and measures are currently available in the Chrome, Internet Explorer Developer Tools.

For Chrome, they are in Performance traces under Timings:

For IE, they are called User marks and are shown as upside-down red triangles below:

They are not yet shown in Firefox or Safari.

Use Cases

How could you use UserTiming? Here are some ideas:


If you’re adding UserTiming instrumentation to your page, you probably also want to consume it. One way is to grab everything, package it up, and send it back to your own server for analysis.

In my UserTiming Compression article, I go over a couple ways of how to do this. Versus just sending the UserTiming JSON, usertiming-compression.js can reduce the byte size down to just 10-15% of the original.


UserTiming is available in most modern browsers. According to 96.6% of world-wide browser market share supports ResourceTiming, as of May 2021. This includes Internet Explorer 10+, Firefox 38+, Chrome 25+, Opera 15+, Safari 11+ and Android Browser 4.4+.

If you want to use UserTiming for everything, there are polyfills available that work 100% reliably in all browsers.

I have one such polyfill, UserTiming.js, available on Github.

DIY / Open Source / Commercial

If you want to use UserTiming, you could easily compress and beacon the data to your back-end for processing.

WebPageTest sends UserTiming to Google Analytics, Boomerang and Akamai mPulse:

Akamai mPulse collects UserTiming information for any Custom Timers you specify (I work at Akamai, on mPulse and Boomerang):


UserTiming is a great interface to log your performance metrics into a standardized interface. As more services and browsers support UserTiming, you will be able to see your data in more and more places.

That wraps up our talk about how to monitor and measure the performance of your web apps. Hope you enjoyed it.

Other articles in this series:

More resources:


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