The Economist, and, The Kindle: Take 2

A while ago I had written about how you can get The Economist on your Kindle (and other e-readers) by running a simple PHP script that crawls the and generates a .mobi file that it emails it to your Kindle weekly. Unfortunately (though understandably), around July 2009 they locked out their This Week’s Print Edition website to only subscribers of their online and print editions.

With a little bit of work, I’ve updated the economist-to-kindle.php PHP script to handle logging into the’s website with your user-name and password so it can generate a Kindle version again:

With this update, and if you’re a print edition subscriber, you should be able to get this week’s edition on your Kindle again.

Updated 2010/01/25: Several bugfixes, see comments for details.

Updated 2010/07/22: slifox and crosscode have made some great additions to the code and got it working with the’s latest site structure. Check out crosscode’s latest version or read the comments for details.

Updated 2011/05/02: Based on crosscode’s latest version, I’ve updated the script on this site ( to work with recent articles.

Updated 2011/07/26: Small update to work with the’s latest updates:

Updated 2012/01/04: I’ve moded this project to Github: If you have any suggestions, find bugs, or want to contribute, please head there.

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