As many geeks do, I have a collection of about 30-odd domain names that I’ve purchased over the past few years for awesome-at-the-time ideas that I just never found the time to work on.
Last month, I resolved stop collecting these domains and instead make some visible progress on them, one at a time.
SaltThePass is my first project. Do you have an account on LinkedIn, Evernote, or Yahoo? All of these sites had password breaches in the last year that compromised their user’s logins and passwords. One big problem people face today is managing all of the passwords they use for all of the sites that they visit. People often re-use the same password on many sites because it would be impossible to remember hundreds of different passwords. Unfortunately, this means that if a single site is hacked and your password is revealed, the attacker may have access to your account on all of the other sites you visit.
To help solve this problem, I created Salt The Pass is a password generator that will help you generate unique, secure passwords for all of the websites you visit based on a single Master Password that you remember. You don’t need to install any additional software, and you can access your passwords from anywhere you have internet access.
Check it out at and let me know what you think!